I hit the little letters. Perhaps the trauma in my childhood is why I have written a voucher morra thousand, never change and other kitsch, so that ultimately it embarneciera, to realize its attributes and send me to the rubber for being a fat kid and click beardless. But just as recommend to never ask my psychologist, I must face and overcome my trauma.
For this reason I decided to write a little letter to one of the major theorists of postmodernism, known internationally as the teacher SabeloTona . It is known that (long before internerd) the great thinkers have used the epistolary exchange as a way to confront their ideas and build mutual understanding. Not necessarily belong to the same group epistemological undoubtedly one of the clearest examples is that of Einstein and Freud . So here are my words ... Dear Professor
Before entering the field, I realize that not all hits me, but sometimes I can not help it. It strikes me explain because I can fall into the trap of suspicious . A these point in my life, I have come to the category of "adult contemporary" with a cluster of postmodern attitudes and the superstructure that I pebbles down recently.
In moments of lucidity that offers peaceful meditation-zen almost in public transport in the city, I taken the time to address these lines to refer to his opinion, a question facing many fans of this blog.
What is the difference between shocking and chocoso?
I at that time, in an almost-zen, said, - look, you need to key in the texture and not be misled by your culinary skills. Do you know the difference between crunchy and greasy?
Now I've been thinking to a higher level, I have concluded that the striking is gordocentrista and ETL chocoso suffers. The origin of the solar system meets this vision. The sun was pulled gordocéntrico nine pla-net (although discounted to a) pa that surround it and the same gravity they fell masses of all shapes and sizes that were just rolando the universe and we collided.
That's why I can not deny the nature of things that bump me, I must paraphrase the aforementioned physical and "allow you to illuminate the problem with the light of his vast knowledge about the instinctual life of man."
I say goodbye, but not before sending a shocking greeting.
timely response
Dear Professor SabeloTona
Dodosito (or chocosito):
The difference between chocoso shocking is that the ending "to" implies a bad asset, pedantic, fraud, choking, etc. The bear teminación means a bad person, where the subject is so inept that its action is completed by a "bear" to himself, slimy, snotty, jealous, etc. A good example lies in the comparison of the thug with the bad: the villain so all suffer while the wicked suffer alone, but is so clumsy that when you dock slips and shoots the gun in the leg, so can not even able to make a good bear, but a bad bear.
Similarly, the shocking because nothing affects everyone you know: when something in the restaurant calls you back, because food is too hot or frigid (as dawn his libido), then the waiter enmuina and does not serve its table, and the other guests have to suffer. The chocoso asks for something in the kitchen, likes, and when he comes home it hurts, as well as chocoso, is ailing.
My advice is: It is shocking and escape from the chocoso.
A hug. Professor
Sabelotona. Addendum
in social service to the Night W here 's some audios: Facundo Cabral
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