Saturday, February 19, 2011

Alter Ego Products Grow Hair

electoral Cachamba

mommy Oh, that's raining on our beloved Peru.
The beggar that is right chantada gold in a bank did not say?

And as always, take advantage of the beggar. And those who profit now? Well, this little group of madmen who want to be in the presidential chair for the next 5 years.
How else would have been enough chubby bear the tenant is until July?!

Oh my Peru.

So we scratched and we want to give us very much alive, the truth is that we are a country with a conscience vote. We do not know to choose. We do not understand so far (and we already see an egg of years of the republic) that he is the president will lead the country with your money! And yet we afford not to analyze or a little bit to those who intend to come to power?

san guchito
Ay, I wanted to acknowledge the United States not to quit as president in 2006 says the cop out of place. What is "betrayal to the nation "has barked. Start compadrito start, that as long as you have half the country not to go out dancing in thong against Bush, so just little calm.

Oh holy
cap, 20 people just yelled stuff at me Puno, said China's illusory. That it respects democracy. Start starts hey, if your old man sat in a democracy that, with 20% who have (and which do not move) is the vote of a speck "Thank You" to your daddy "good" he did. Because you Miamor, merit to be president you have not, get informed. That for the pure peas we pay your study abroad for the congress you will spend half the mandate licensing maternal and presenting pure motion of greeting.

san vito
Oh, I I discuss with anyone but primerito become the "dope" and I do not say anything because my works speak for themselves, said the whelp yellow. Boots boots, who want to hear deceive unable! Or do you think with your truck hospitals (where it goes hot as hell and where the care is not as pleasant as they preach) your ladders and your card in ipss hologram, are the "yanoya?. Because I do not I'll come to boast or the expressway to Grau, or municipal remodeling because they are things that did not leave your desk. Nor out of your head, or the playground that of Waters and the Metropolitanín (which by the way, a little disorganized). Neither yours or that of your advisers and people trust that, oh coincidence, are now stuck in the sack all Comunicore. Prettiest quietly listen.

apus Ay! "That they beat me and no one wants to leave president ... I repeat, no president wants to leave" said the healthy and holy. That swears that the last shell of ceviche, the last chela of the rock and the last chapter of Goku, just because now primerito in the polls. Those surveys that they love him and make him know the ball papa lindo por qué (¿por qué será no?). Ese que patalea cuando lo "atacan", pero que tiene la frescura de ningunear a otros candidatos diciendo: "yo fui su jefe". Mira cholito (con cariño), ése que fue tu empleado te arregló lo más difícil que tenías en tu improvisado gobierno. Ése del que dices fuiste jefe, es a quien tú mismo recurriste no una sino varias veces para que por favorcito forme parte de tu gabinete. Ése, frente al que hoy te haces la pichi, se ganó una beca en el extranjero por sus propios méritos y no de pura suerte porque lo vieron lustrando botas de chibolo. Así que si te quieres poner encima de alguien, piénsala tranquilo y no bajo el efecto of another line ... what the press publishes.

press Ay! I say. Who spend getting head by requiring candidates proposals and debates now, and are dedicating the first candle holders to whether a local told other or if they removed all the hair together for analysis. And ay the polls! I also say, now that everyone is whipped with the excuse that too bad for us without freedom of expression. And loved ones in a country like ours, where the bulk of the electorate is ignorant people (and I do not mean in a pejorative sense) that defines their vote not on proposals but who else floro he thrusts, which often focuses only on the candidates leading the polls, surveys end up being more harmful than beneficial. Because there are capable people who are relegated, like good Valentin Paniagua, which filled all mouth in 2006 saying it was the best option, but since he was 1% was a wasted vote. What would happen if one in the president did in the first round and so we avoided us choose between crazy and insane? Who was with a smile to the polls in the second round of 2006? For you see, five years later, what good gave us the lesser evil?

is now or never! How long ago did not see a government of quality in this beautiful land of sunshine? Or China, or the cop, not the dumb, or the cholo see them becoming the victim underperforming. And you?

As Aterciopelados would say: " Agúzate , assert yourself!"

Image the jaguar. Supplement Friday Perú21


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